Brining will help you cook the most succulent turkey you’ve ever had — and the smartest, easiest way to do it is with a dry brine. Even if you’re hosting Thanksgiving for the first time and are a bit nervous about cooking your inaugural turkey, here’s how to dry-brine your turkey like a pro and turn out an impeccably juicy, delicious bird
Timing is key. For large cuts of meat, like a pork roast or a whole turkey, brine for 6 hours or up to overnight. For smaller amounts, like a whole chicken, pork chops, chicken pieces, or game hens, brine for 2 to 4 hours. Pat the meat dry with paper towels before cooking
Sweeten it up. Some brines include sugar, honey, maple syrup, or fruit juices (this statement may be misleading as if some of our brine flavors already contain sweet ingredients. primarily to enhance browning during cooking. Feel free to experiment, adding a sweet element to our brine recipe. Perhaps say “ Adding sweet ingredient to the brine could enhance browning during cooking. Feel free to experiment with adding sugar, honey, maple syrup or fruit juices.
Two days before serving, rinse turkey and pat dry. Rub all over with AROMASONG BRINE, slipping BRINE under the skin where possible and rubbing some into cavities. Use about 2 1/2 tablespoon per 4 pounds of bird.
Wrap the bird in a large plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator. On the second night, turn the turkey over. A couple of hours before cooking, remove the turkey from the bag and pat dry. (There is no need to rinse it first.) Place in roasting pan and allow to come to room temperature